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CRC Industries Europe BV

Touwslagerstraat 1

BE-9240 Zele


Tel.:  +32 (0) 52 45 60 11

Fax.: +32 (0) 52 45 00 34

CRC Industries Iberia S.L.U.

Gremio del Cuero S/N, 96

Poligono Industrial Hontoria

ES-40195 Segovia


Tel.: +34 921 427 546

CRC Industries France S.A.S.

6, Avenue du Marais

CS 90028

95102 Argenteuil Cedex


Tel.:  +33 (0)1 34 11 20 00

Fax.: +33 (0)1 30 25 51 65

CRC Industries Deutschland GmbH

Südring 9

76473 Iffezheim

Tel.:  +49 (0) 72 29 30 30

Fax.: +49 (0) 72 29 30 32 66

CRC Industries Sweden AB

Laxfiskevägen 16

433 38 Partille


Tel.: +46 317 068 480

CRC Industries Finland OY

PL 62

Smedsgatan 3-5 LT4

08101 LOHJA


Tel.:  +358 193 29 21

CRC India Manufacturing and Distributors Pvt Ltd

501, Suncity Business Tower Sector 54

122002 Gurgaon (Haryana)


Tel.:  +91 124 428 55 33

Fax.: +91 124 428 55 33

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